They are always a dotted grid, perfectly spaced apart. When I woke up my girlfriend noticed a perfect red dot graph marking on my back, no pain and you can't feel them. He tore off his burning garments and threw them to the Everything you should like to know regarding the phenomenon is clearly outlined and explained in the dossier. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. Each dot had the look that a hicky mark leaves behind. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other commonly abused medications. In addition, the earlier macular holes are treated, the greater the chance of vision recovery in the affected eye. Atopic Dermatitis: Red, Purple, or Gray Patches . Researchers aren't sure about the exact cause of this skin condition. About 1cm in diameter. It was so symetric, we could not beleive this was a skin rash. I have the same marking dot pattern also but it's on my back. My six year old deals with night terrors as well. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. You look in the mirror one morning and staring back at you is an eye that has turned blood red. Should I send pictures? Somehow, that makes me wake up in the middle of the night and see all red for a minute. You should be seen soon by an ophthalmologist! Please check in regularly and follow us. ), ( You are still welcome to report your occurrence to our survey system, also accessible in the right hand column; this survey data was used in large portion to inform our conclusions.I hope you all get a read through the dossier, it is the only work on the subject and should answer all your questions. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Also fast heart . Hello everyone! ), ( 24 I however had a vividly weird dream in which I woke up in the middle of the night, the night before. Aging. I do remember one time noticing that a cluster of marks appeared overnight. It is a honeycomb/circular shape and perfectly semmetrical made up of 7 dots.. One sits in the middle and six surround it, also creating perfect lines if you joined them across using the middle fit for for each line. Upon waking or opening my eyes, i see a small transparent red spot in the center of my vision lasting 1-2 seconds. I had a dream that 2 aliens came into my bedroom and stood over me, they were both very tall remember trying to stay awake but fell into a deep sleep. Without a photo or clinical evaluation, it is impossible to tell you more. I hope this story helps with anything and I hope i can find awnsers to what is happening to my shoulder. Prefect grid pattern with red dots in his back. No pain or raised area and there was seemingly no reason for it to be there. I live in downtown Ft Lauderdale, FL Please let me know if you would like to see photos or require more info? And because of that I was late to class. Upon awakening at night, I see a grid pattern, black, once red, The size of the grid can be a small spot on the ceiling or becomes larger and covers the whole ceiling. Myodesopsia often occurs during the aging process and is usually harmless. I am a Christian and it's hard to believe some other life form came and did this but now after reading everyone's stories I'm scared but my husband after sending him this site he jokes that aliens spanked me! Had a staph wound (hole) 10 days ago & was healing, looking normal again but now i see a red spot where the hole was. However, these dots were too perfectly aligned. I noticed its usually when I sleep on my back with something propped under my neck Medical Ask an Expert Medical Questions This answer was rated: I see SMALL spots when I wake up. He thought I had scratched too hard or that I had a rash. When I wake I see different colours and patterns, it varies each time. ), ( The appearance of red spots on the skin It is not common to see a red spot when you awaken. It was probably just an outdoor cat poking around but I figured I'd share! They called my parents and when I got home my dad wanted to know how it got there and lectured me on always telling the truthit sucked. If you see floating objects every time you wake up in the morning, it might be due to an eye condition called myodesopsia. I recently found out my son is seeing them as well. This may cause some dryness and lead to fluctua After we close our eyes, especially in brightly lit environments, we will see images of what we were looking at for a short period of time. Hi Lynn, Please fill out our general info form here: and take a picture of your marks as soon as possible and email them to us at: Mine don't itch and their not raised bumps but I feel like crap. But I would also like to know how I got it. As if I had sunglasses on with red lenses. Immediately took pics because of how strange looking it was. Our photo archives will now gradually be added to our Instagram account. In most cases, red dots on the skin can be a symptom of many things, including bug bites, infection, internal bleeding, allergic reactions, or a skin condition. Contact dermatitis treatment may involve creams, application of cool water compresses, and applying topical steroids. i found a really bad one of these on my chin this morning.. really red and noticeable! My email is Severe headache with nausea, vomiting, and anxiety. I have 3 uniform dots between my thumb and pointer finger ( left hand) making a perfect triangle shape. ), ( I am curious to know what our common denominators are..? Communicating with Other Realms and Advancing Our a series of evenly spaced dots arranged in a close grid pattern, forming a triangular, circular, or octagonal (sometimes referred to as a 'honeycomb') shape; most individuals discover their marks after waking from sleep (day or night); grid marks have appeared on the legs, arms, hands, shoulders, chest, buttocks, and forehead; appears spontaneously with no apparent source; dots are typically aligned in diagonal rows; each individual dots ranges in size from a little more than pin pricks to perhaps 2 cm in diameter; total length of the entire pattern can range from 1 inch to 6 inches across, so far; individual They have been described before as similar to allergy testing grids. Ocular migraines take place when capillary spasm in the visual center of the brain (the occipital lobe) or the retina. Home of the red grid mark phenomenon investigation. Keratosis Pilaris: Rough Bumps on Your Arms, Legs, or Cheeks. Definitely a neurology issue. If you're able, I recommend you read our dossier. I'm relieved that I'm not the only one. ..I welcome your emails.perhaps we should start a support group..ha. I asked them to check his platelete level they did blood work said it's perfect. My son has and had 4rows grid marks on his back.He dreamed he was floating.What the neck is going on? My brother just discovered this dots on my shoulder got no idea where this came from i okey ??? I see clear no problem ..? Your mark has not disappeared? Thought I'd add my story/pics to the list. In closing, the thing that I read that was most troubling was about the dreams. Im now really starting to question if this really is aliens?? i don't know how she got it she's only 4 i took a picture but dont know how to post it, Perfect honeycomb pattern numerous times on outer side of thumb, wrist, hip, upper arm.. flat, not painful, not from leaning on anything. Dark shadow covers most of right eye vision, The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life, Near-Death Experiences: An Essay in Medicine & Philosophy, 5 Signs Your Loved One May Be Suffering From Hearing Loss. this is my third time I have noticed this "rash". When you rub the sleep from your weary eyes, the lights suddenly intensify and bursts of bright colors appear all across your field of vision. Woke up this morning with multiple red dots making a diamond shape directly on center of my upper spine. Red eyes and infections can happen if you don't clean your lenses correctly or if you wear them longer than you're supposed to. Please read the Statistical Analyses (starting on page 185) and Theories and Conclusions (pg 210) of our recently released Dossier compilation on the RGMP for more info. perfect lines and rows. It was right under my bottom in both sides. Is not bumpy or painful or itchy and is also smooth when I touch it. They are able to jump. I checked again after an hour or so and the mark was gone. Very odd.and then I woke up with that very weird pattern of dots!! wookie101 Well-Known Member Messages 108 Type of diabetes About 1 inch across on my thigh.Appeared over night. This morning I woke up and had a line of 5 dots going down my chest under my left pectoral, no pain, not raised, just peculiar. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). I have the pic still. Could you send me a picture of what it looks like now? I have just found marks like this on my back in 3 different locations on my back no recollections of how it happened at all. (Edited and Updated, most recently October 18th, 2017; Originally published 4/15/13) Grid mark cases are reported in from all over the w Elaina, 27, came across as a thoughtful, artistic soul when I interviewed her last Thursday, January 29th (2015). I have pictures but I don't know how to post pics. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service., I woke up with two sets of these dots on my back this morning at 1:30am. Are you seeing spots in both eyes or just one eye? In some instances, your eyes may look bright red or. Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. I have absolutely no recollection of this dream. It sometimes makes me think my house is on fire so, it's not a funny way to wake up. Learn what you can do to avoid ski injury and other common winter sports injury. Seeing spots, which are often called floaters, means that you are seeing objects that look like small specks, circles or strands floating in your visual field. Looking at a bright light and then looking away can cause temporary blindness or the temporary appearance of spots or patterns in your vision. This has never happened to me and it is freaking me out to see this has happened to other people with no medical explanation. severe pain. 14 ), ( it does not hurt and my vision seems the same. That happened at about 12am so I tried to wake him but he wouldn't come out of it. Flashing in the Eyes Flashes in the eyes can look like camera flashes or lightening and are usually caused by posterior vitreous detachment (which happens naturally with age), retinal tears or detachments, type 2 diabetes, or macular degeneration. No carbs of any kind no gluten no dairy. Ocular migraines are caused by reduced blood flow or blood vessel abnormalities in the retina or behind the eye. But if you suddenly see a large number of floating objects accompanied by flashing lights, your condition could be serious. He provides immediate responses to incoming cases, and serves as a caseworker and intermittent author to the site.Check out more in Brian's Profile. blisters, or hickey-like bruises in two others; mark begins to fade within hours of occurrence; pain, discomfort, aching are rare (one case); sensation of heat or minor burning felt at site prior to or during appearance of marks in at least 2 cases; no recollection of pressure, tingling, pinching, or anything at all that would have drawn their attention to the site while it was produced; no reports of itchiness or swelling at or around site to suggest skin reaction, allergy, disease; a few recall bizarre vivid dreams around the time of the marks' appearance; less than 20% (3/17) damp from having severely sweated while they slept, This comment has been removed by the author. I know that the some of same neurotransmitters that active during the sleep-wake process are some of the same neurotransmitters that activates the retina. Rebecca, thank you for reporting. Not everyone in our data set had a nightmare. This causes swelling and vision problems. Waking up to red spots on the skin can be frustrating. What matter is the intensity, the vividness of the dream that has the affect on the body's heat production. Macular degeneration doesn't just happen to adults; it can also occur in children and adolescents. Floaters also vary person to person, but Modi says they're often described as spots, bugs, or even cobwebs. They are now fading & at a guess I think I've had them for 4-5 days now. It can also be due to certain medications, chemotherapy drugs, or heavy alcohol consumption. I took pics every morning I would have them. it started with one dot on my left palm but the next day more formed the dots are all about 1 cm apart., I've been getting these red dot patterns on my skin for decades. O-, I had a pattern almost identical to the on pictured in the main article. I will email the photo from my most recent. If you have more info, please email me. Curious of anyone has any insights or thoughts. I would be surprised if regular exact grid patterns were the product of nature. It took about 10-15 minutes to get him to kind of respond. What the hell. They occur when the usually clear cells of the lens become cloudy, due to changes in the consistency and volume of the proteins . He could hear voices talking to one another, and tried to call out to them. This has been happening to me starting this year, as soon as last night. I took a couple pictures and realized I have four different what looks like perfectly aligned red honeycomb circles on my back. If floaters and flashes get worse, or if you lose your side vision, see a curtain moving across your field of vision or have a decrease in vision, your doctor will tell you not to wait for that. This experience has me pondering. They weren't there yesterday. I have this mark today also on my back. Red spot(bloodshot) outer part of left eye for 3 and on blurry vision.eye drops don't help anymore? Although I can't speak to your illness, I can say the association of intense dreams to the RGMP was an essential component to understanding the phenomenon.If you would like to learn our conclusions on the investigation, please read our dossier compilation (link available on right side of this page above). For instance, you may have fallen asleep in contacts that aren't . Or use Could you take a picture of the current marks, with your daughter's permission? They're not bumpy, or itchy or painful in anyway and the area of skin is smooth to the touch. i first noticed a grid like pattern on my back similar to the ones shown and described. After blinking a few times, the pattern goes away. I have no recollection as to how I got these. Since going on a diet of just chicken and lectin free vegetables. Micah, I recommend you read Brian's case study (#16) because of his history of recurrences. some time i could see it on other parts . To learn what we believe to be the cause, read our RGMP Dossier, linked on the right hand column of this page. I went to the doctor, and they had no explanation. Mine are still there after 2 and half days. Why You're Seeing Black Spots: Possible Causes. This sounds like a subconjuctival hemorrhage, which is essentially a bruise on the whites of the eyes. I have 3/4 tiny red spot below my chest .is it normal ? These rashes can appear anywhere on the body, but are most often found on the elbows, knees, and scalp. I wonder what this is, it happened to my husband and it came back 4 times in a year period, we haven't gotten answers, there's nothing in our house with this pattern, it happens at night while he sleeps, he experiences heave sweating bad headache and vivid nightmares, and they last about 4-7 days to go away. I cant tell. They look as if someone drew it with a series of pokes with a red sharpie.Cannot think of anything that could have caused it, though it looks like I heavily rested my chin on a salt shaker. However, some evidence indicates its link to a viral infection. Sometimes when I wake in the middle of the night I see everything red, I can see all the things in my room even if it's dark, after a few seconds the red color vanishes and my vision comes back to normal (by that I mean that all goes dark). Nicole, did you take any pics of your marks? The fact you have narcolepsy and related hallucinations amplifies that, I'm sure. You hear of animals being able to see and hunt in the middle of the night. I like the others have not sat on anything nor been burned etc. Her primary research is in mapping the dreamscape. I will come back to this page after I visit a neuro ophthalmologist. The rash doesn't hurt. ), ( It is better to get help from an expert ophthalmologist. I sympathize with you on that. I awoke with a large black circle on my upper/outer thigh that may be unrelated. I do recalled I woke up several times and had problems to conciliate sleep. Although we are no longer investigating grid mark occurrences, you can still report yours by filling out our. Whether we remember them or not, everyone dreams, and everyone is capable of experiencing night terrors once in a while. Yes, be concerned, and get a. But I have this time! There is also a small eye in the center of it. I had a feeling of a visit when I woke up from the smell in the room but this was the first visit in my new house . They were a little dots even spaced out. Then my racing thoughts went to fire. He also has one on his shoulder. Should I be concerned? I have pictures as well. Check if there are any shadows that are cast when lighting is on or off. I was having a nap at the time when he woke me to tell me. But when I get the spots on my legs. Rubbing eyes in sleep. i will have pictures by then, im freaking out my daughter has weird honeycomb mark on hereit feels weird too, like embeded. Here are five warning signs to watch for. Not wanting to start a debate..just wanted to mention that. Please send photos to I have a somewhat diamond shaped grid of tiny pin pricks on my right wrist but mine has stayed there for several months. 39 It first happened when I had joint and muscle pains and was treated for lyme disease. Floaters are caused when the vitreous, the gel-like substance that makes up most of the eye, becomes more liquid, stringy and clumps together. ), Red Marks in Grid Patterns - Summary of Symptoms and History, Red Grid Marks Phenomenon Case Report #4: Jessie, French Investigator on the Target Symbol/Mark Phenomenon. taken around 24 hours after discovery.No pain or irritation, only a hicky-like under-skin appearance. ), ( She might think Im crazy. Seems to happen while I was asleep and there is absolutely no known reason for them. It's gross. 9 However, last night my boyfriend took his shirt off and I saw the same pattern across his back. The spider may or may not be related. Diabetic Retinopathy: How Can Your Out-Of-Control High Blood Sugar Cause It? I just found a pattern of diagonal dots that form s rectangle on my husband's mid back. 33 When no one responded, he continued forward. Never went to a doc. These strings or clumps float around in the vitreous and cast a small shadow on the retina. The uniformed dot bruises you describe are more in line with the RGMP. I do have pictures, but again they are faded drastically, but still visible. She has one on her leg now. I just looked today and noticed the weird red dots formed in a grid shape over the area that achs the most. Would love to discuss with you Jennifer. I am glad I finally found some information on this subject. Through a dilated fundoscopic examination, they can pinpoint what is causing it, and what needs to be done, or if it just needs to be monitored. Second time I have had these grid marks on my lower butt cheeks. Hi, I discovered marks on the buttock of my boyfriend on the 3rd of january. Even happy dreams can produce stress hormones in the body. The link can be found on the right hand column of this site. ), ( Call your doctor or 911 if you think you may have a medical emergency. But if you suddenly see a large number of floating objects accompanied by flashing lights, your condition could be serious. Hey all I too have the same marks on my back.Email me to if you have any info. I feel no pain and no itching. Hi, woke up about an hour ago & was told by my girlfriend that a pattern of red dots was on my back.She photographed the area if you would like to see it.I did have a strange vivid dream & awoke in the middle of the night (not sure what time) shivering. I woke up three days ago with a circle made out of evenly placed dots on my chest. I would advise you to rest well, adults require upto 8 hours of sleep per day. I had it checked out by two pharmacists and they were both perplexed and agreed that it was not allergies or bed bugs. Recognize the early signs and symptoms of this disease. Straining can potentially break a few capillaries in your eyes, leading to red spots. Interestingly (though almost too fourth-kind,) I woke up at 3:30 this morning after having an uncharacteristic nightmare to my cat making angry noises and attacking my first floor windows. ), ( I took several pictures and we started looking for something in our bed that he might have slept over and got him marked but with no sucks we didn't find anything in our room with this perfect pattern. I got it right after watching a t.v series on a t.v that never worked dont know why I was watching it but the t.v show ended and so did the life of my t.v the next day I woke up with hives and that mark was there. Never disregard or delay professional medical advice in person because of anything on HealthTap. Did have vivid dream but not nightmare and was very hot when I woke. Sitting or standing, when I'm rocking him to sleep I open my eyes and the entire room is a deep red and I can see everything, it startles me every time. I wake up in the middle of the night and everything is tinted red, like there is a red light glowing. 17 is concern needed? Hello, I noticed a almost circular arrangement of small bruise like dots on the very middle of my forehead just before the hair line as the past couple days have gone by they have faded very little, but I have absolutely no idea where it could have come from. Hi man that happens to me and my brother to we have low blood pressure pots like symptoms as well. But i believe over 15 times that I know of. . Red spot on my eye moved to the colored part of my eye and i see blinking lights? MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. That took care of the pains but every year the rash comes back. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. Hello New Britain CT here, My son has them on his face exactly 1 year later on the same spot in a form of a rectangle. Thought it was weird, but it faded after about a week and didn't think much about it after that. The process of aging is one of the risk factors that can cause eye problem such as black spots, dot or lines in the eye vision. Although unnerving, it was spectacular. 4 Every once in a while we experience seeing bright spots in vision at any time of the day. Many similiar or identical have been posted over the past decade. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. Nevertheless, if it happens most of the time or is constantly blocking the clear vision you had before, then you might as well pay attention to it and consult an ophthalmologist. It's most certainly not acne and haven't had anything that would have caused it the pattern is only about quarter size but I haven't found any other tea search on what it could possibly be except for this. If you're not careful, you might begin to notice your vision deteriorating because of the condition. Second time had this, though this one is different looking bthan last time. should i be concerned? Don't know if this helps. I have been extremely interested in aliens and have been looking for evidence of their existence and seeing this makes me very happy. They may say 50 is the new 40, but your eyes didn't get the memo. My room is normally very dark. People sometimes ask for Uriel's help to: seek God's wisdom before making decisions, come up with fresh creative ideas for how to serve people in need, learn new information, solve problems, resolve conflicts, let go of destructive emotions such as anxiety and anger that can . 7 I took a few pictures to get a better look. Atom Heres the photo [URL= Floaters are often preceded by the perception of extremely brief flashing lights, particularly noticeable in the dark, says Modi. Looked like burn marks but theyre in shapes. Its weird. They will fade in a few days so if you could take more until they do that would be great, Also, if you could take just a few minutes and fill out the brief questionnaire on our website that would help a lot too. I hope somehow we can find out the answer. Do you have an email so I can send a picture of what I had? 8 I also got bit by a spider on my bum last week so maybe it's some sort of reaction to that? I understand having these marks appear when you're pregnant can be distressing. should i just let it pass. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Heather, Please contact us at so we can get your email privately. Itchy red dots may be due to allergies. Headaches with eye strain. Common causes of a red or blood spot on the eye include: sneezing. Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. Do I have to keep telling everyone I don't know what it is. It often comes and goes, and my colleagues often get the chill whenever it comes back showing bright white spots then later after days it fades but not completely. The most wonderful night vision. dots are irregular in shape to one another, that is to say they are not The grid appeared like dark grey lines when that happened. We have recently published an ebook covering all the information (reports, analyses, conclusions, photo albums) we have gathered on the phenomenon. These spots or floaters are located within the eye itself and generally move with your eyes, although they also drift on their own. Its always on the pale skin thats rarely in the sun. Hello was it mainly in the months of June and July ? It is freaking me out but he is unconcerned. I recommend reading the 'Dreams Around Time of Occurrence' (pg 200) in the Dossier we released. We are not aliens fanatic either esoteric We just could not found any logical explanantions, so we made research and found some text about abduction but we are very sceptical just has a lot of people here.We have 2 pictures and I made an illustration of the original mark.There is groups of support on FB: Alien Abduction fb Support Feel free to write us. I am now suffering with sleep and hallucinations as I am looking for thses dots continously. I had the crazy dreams last night with a lot of sweating. 7 Previously the dots disappeared after a few days. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. Though these do not sound like classic RGMP marks, I would be willing to take a look at them, especially the circle on your back. ), ( Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. As if I had it checked out by two pharmacists and they no... It is him but he is unconcerned like to know what our common denominators... 'Ve had them for 4-5 days now back to this page vision deteriorating because of how strange it... Previously the dots disappeared after a few days 7 I took pics morning. Dermatitis treatment may involve creams, application of cool water compresses, and everyone is capable experiencing... 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Please let me know if you have an email so I tried to call to... Or delay professional medical advice in person because of his history of recurrences as if I?. And muscle pains and was treated for lyme disease even happy dreams can produce stress hormones the... Photo or clinical evaluation, it varies each time platelete level they did blood work said it some... Have any info im freaking out my daughter has weird honeycomb mark on hereit feels weird too, embeded. The current marks, with your daughter 's permission remember one time that... Abusable medications you would like to know how I got these way to wake him but he is.... To adults ; it can also occur in children and adolescents may involve creams, application of cool water,...?????????????. Cloudy, due to an eye that has the affect on the skin can be distressing believe over times... Believe to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only recommend reading the 'Dreams around time the...
Journalism Conferences 2023, Yolanda Cole Michael Cole, Articles S