Liddy came up with one farfetched idea after another. [18] He was scheduled to appear before United States District Judge John Wood, a judge nicknamed "Maximum John" who had a reputation for giving out the maximum sentence allowed for drug-related crimes. From Kilcreases files, Kerr concluded that all the elements needed to satisfy the kingpin law were amply presentmany separate transactions and many people, most of whom worked for Stricklin. That old watch-me-carry-the-world smile was back on his face. Kerr preferred playing Bach fugues in the dim light of the First Presbyterian Church and going to the symphony. In short order, Wood surpassed Guinns unenviable reputation as the most reversed judge in the district. Lee, the man was saying, Im not gonna say this againno more credit!. Now the government was trying to prove that Johnson had helped smuggle a pound of heroin out of Mexico. Emily McCullar is a senior editor covering pop culture, news, and Texas history. They were rivals in many ways.. Stricklin hadnt yet met Lee Chagra, but he knew Chagras reputation. He didnt appear to recognize the name. They checked out of the hotel that same night and moved to the Aladdin, where Lee had a $250,000 line of credit. Kerr had been involved with pursuing Chagra for his drug dealings. It was not the kind of clutter Lee Chagra would leave. WebThey mentioned four namesLee Chagra, Jimmy Chagra, Sib Abraham and Vic Apodaca (a well-known bail bondsman). Lee was Clarks friend, maybe the best friend hed ever had, but in some strange, almost unthinkable way he felt the friendship slipping away. And Im going to charge you ten thousand dollars.. The Mafia! As the family walked away from the cemetery, Jimmy caught up with Vivian and took her arm. Catherine figures she was 10 when her dad went to prison. The feds reasoned that Lee was the mastermind because Lee was so smart, and they became so preoccupied with this scenario that they failed to see the obvious irony: Lee was too smart to play that role. On five minutes notice, Caesars would dispatch a Learjet to fetch one or both of the Chagras. For all the smoke generated by James Kerrs highly publicized grand jury probe of organized crime, there was hardly any fire. He hung up without speaking. Lee meant $10,000 for all three defendants, but Pitts didnt understand that. As one of the daughters answered the phone, Yoseph saw Lees body. Lee didnt protest as Clark led him out of the casino to the waiting limousine. Joseph Chagra, a Texas lawyer who admitted his complicity in the first assassination of a Federal judge in more than a century, died last Sunday in Thomason Hospital in El Paso. Kerr escaped with only minor glass cuts. The family had a late dinner. And hed better. Worse than 1973, the year the federal government indicted him on a trumped-up marijuana trafficking charge in Nashville and nearly destroyed his law practice. [39], Chagra married his third wife, Lynda Ray, while living under the name James Madrid on November 22, 2005. Wood, known as Maximum John, was 61 at the time he was shot in the back in front of his San Antonio home. They could barely deal fast enough for Leeall the spots covered with white chips, $21,000 riding on every deal. Donna helped Sandy count the $20,000. Through it all, he had somehow clung to the central fact in his life: Lee Chagra was a topflight criminal attorney. Again, Lee sounded as though he had something else on his mind. Lee stared out the limo window at the blur of cold neon. After about an hour Lee had lost $90,000. As the defense had expected, several officers testified that they had arrived at the airstrip in time to witness the off-loading of the DC-4. Lees success in trying drug cases soon led him to meet Jack Stricklin, who had sent the Pitts case his way. As in: Heres a picture of Jimmy in Vegas with Muhammad Ali, both in black tie. On June 20 a team of narcotics agents appeared at his law office with a warrant for his arrest and hauled him away in handcuffs. It was in his blood. [23] The authorities did not immediately suspect Chagra of involvement in the assassination, and it took thousands of man-hours to identify them as suspects in the case. Youll do at least eighteen months. [40][3], He had seven children, including a daughter named Catherine, who wrote a memoir about the family. She had bought the Lincoln limo because she wanted to give her husband something crazy after all these years.. Jimmys Florida operation, far from being an immediate disaster, disbanded after successfully offloading fifty tons of grass from a Colombian freighter in March. Fighting seemingly hopeless causes became his passion. In the winter. Hed brought corsages for all the women on the staff. Case dismissed. They went down there, they took pictures of everything And I was able to take that model and demolish their case. If you scratched Stricklin deep enough, Kerr reasoned, you would find Chagra. That night as he was dressing, Lee announced intentions to change his luck. Leave them blank to get signed up. I waited around to wish you and the kids a merry Christmas, the gambler told her. Esper had also observed Lee making large cash payoffs to various collectors. Vivian felt Jo Annies dark eyes following her into the bedroom. Out of the corner of his eye Lee could see the reporters scribbling furiously. The casino was almost deserted. Jimmy had chartered a jet and attempted to rescue an El Paso pilot who had been badly burned when a DC-6 crashed on takeoff at an improvised field near Santa Marta, Colombia. [4][11] Jimmy Chagra also had a sister named Patsy. You sonuvabitch, how are you gonna pay off those markers?, He took a deep draw on his cigarette and pressed Clarks shoulder. Or for Lee Chagra. This is gonna be one theyll write a book about, he told Hughes. A ton of marijuana is no better or worse than a ton of quicksilver. The defendant was one Melchor de los Santos, who was caught with 262 grams of heroin; since the going rate was $30 a gram, it was a fairly substantial bust for the times. And it was killing Lee. It would be lost until the October flood, after which widower Jim McCulloch, after going through belongings hed moved into a storage unit, would place a call beginning, Cathy, youre not going to believe what I found., Going through things hed moved into the unit, McCulloch happened upon a box labeled Chagra.. WebAfter Joe was killed, the bad publicity inevitably returned, so Patty took their daughter, Samantha, a seventeen-year-old high school honor student, to all the television stations in [10][4], Jimmy got into drug smuggling in 1969 and became one of the largest smugglers in the United States, trafficking drugs from Mexico and Colombia by plane and boat. There was a line from The Picture of Dorian Gray that she liked to paraphrase: I hope that when I die and go to hell, they deduct those four years I spent with Jimmy Chagra. She almost said it now, but the suffering in Lees eyes cut her off. If she realized how pressed he had been for money in recent months, she didnt show it. The Indian worked as a collector for several Las Vegas casinos. It was an incredible sight. Youve got it wrong, Lee replied. At this point in his life Lee was bored with the tame pace of the blackjack table. Patsy Chagras husband, Rick De La Torre, faced four charges in the same conspiracy. He worked his way through the University of Texas law school, graduating fourth in his class in 1962. He touched the tip of the pointer and said, This small tip represents innocence: the defendants didnt do a thing. Not long after that, someone attempted to rob a high-stakes poker game at Jimmy Salomes house. All three believe he would never have gotten into the dope business without the contacts of Lee, a lawyer who seemed drawn to shady characters along the border, where smuggling was the economy. He hustled personal injury cases, divorces, wills. Lee and several others heard the crash of metal against the patio door. I want to talk to you. Vivian was startled to see how much Jimmy looked like Lee, how he had grown out his moustache, how his hair was full and shaggy and touched now with streaks of gray. The silence was monumental. For some unexplained reason, the three assailants (apparently there was a third behind the wheel) raced from the scene without bothering to walk five or six feet and make sure that Kerr was dead. Patsy ran out the back entrance and toward the cathedral. It was called Capital Acquisition, and its purpose was to channel funds through several banks in Mexico and then into Jimmys new business. Lee loved being at the middle of the table, flanked by armed guards and at least one beautiful broad who would act as his lucky piece. When you live that way, chances are youll die that way too. Even though Judge Wood sentenced him to thirty years, Renteria stuck to his story that Lee was only his lawyer and friend. He made a motion for Judge Wood to recuse (disqualify) himself in the Stricklin case. Lee was lying face up on the floor, blood trickling from his mouth. All of Lees personal affairs, especially those with women, were conducted behind closed doors. The 38-year-old prosecutor had given up his apartment in El Paso and moved back to San Antonio, where he felt more comfortable. He couldnt have flushed it down the toilet faster than the way he gambled it and lost it, she said. The weapons existed only in the agents imagination, but at one point the trap got so bizarre that the poor cafe owner believed he was negotiating for a used submarine. He wanted to indict De La Torre on five counts of perjury in an attempt to add another 25 years to the sentencein effect, requiring him to defend his story to a second jury. The indictment was so vague as to make it impossible to respond or even to contemplate a defense. Jo Annie was talking about divorce; she and Lee got as far as the courthouse steps before one or both backed out. An inextricable connection, whether emotional or physical or both, would continue between Lee and Vivian long after Vivian and Jimmy were married, Catherine would later learn. Later, a superseding indictment added the charge of continuing criminal enterprise. David Long? Lee said. Woods first big drug case came in May 1971. They had a surprise for Leea new Lincoln limousine with a portable bar, a TV, a stereo, and even a secret compartment to conceal his guns and playing cards. Lee handed out $200 in tips before they got to the suite. He was not very good at suffering alone, and friends and family visited him almost constantly. No Mafia figures were ever indicted. Someone had gone after Jo Annie, who had collapsed when she first heard the news but now wanted to be there with the family. A second man stood behind him, out of camera range. Whatever the maximum penalty was, that was generally what he gave. In his time, Lee had invested in a racehorse that ended up as dog meat, a pro golfer who never made the cut, a combination lock that served to secure nothing more than a long, bitter lawsuit, and a caper to corner the Colombian coffee bean market. When Lou Esper learned that Lee was a cocaine user, he found a good supply and usually delivered the goods in person. Drug kingpin Jimmy Chagra, accused of paying a hitman $250,000 to kill a federal judge, retained Las Vegas attorney Oscar Goodman to defend him. Vivian did her best to smile. Almost every day Jimmy telephoned Lee from his new home in Las Vegas. Food, drinks, girlsanything one might fancy was there in a whisk. The lawyer mentioned that he sometimes looked down at the office complex that Lee was remodeling and experienced pangs of envy. The judge was a member of every exclusive club in San AntonioSons of the Republic of Texas, Sons of the American Revolution, Texas Cavaliers, Argyle Club, San Antonio Club, Order of the Alamo, San Antonio Gun Club, German Club, American Legion, San Antonio Country Cluband owned property in the segregated Key Allegro resort on the Texas coastthe list went on and on. It must have been nearly three-thirty by then. Chagras idea of a good time was slapping a Willie Nelson album on the stereo, snorting cocaine, and getting naked in a pile of aromatic bodies. Boyd, Kerr, and the DEA had worked so hard selling the media on the contention that El Paso was the hub of dope trafficking in the Southwest that everyone took it as gospel. People in the Chagras party didnt bother to register: they just walked up to the desk and someone handed them a key to a six-room suite. If you fill out the first name, last name, or agree to terms fields, you will NOT be added to the newsletter list. In fact, the charges were dismissed because there was no evidence to bring charges in the first place. When an average high-stakes player sits down at one of the seven places around a blackjack table, his limit might be as high as $1000 a hand. In some ways, they said, he was like Dad Chagra, old Abdou, a man stunted by his dreams. It is hard for me to go back into my cell and think of myself as the man the newspapers have made me out to be. This morning Jo Annie had another surprise, a block of tickets to the afternoons Sun Bowl football game between Texas and Maryland. Wood began to crawfish. Stricklin and other smugglers often required legal talentand they paid handsomely for it. In these pictures shes 9 or thereabouts. To mark the 40th anniversary of the trial of drug kingpin Jimmy Chagra, who was accused of paying a hitman $250,000 to kill a federal judge John Wood, Oscar Stricklin was an enterprising and likable young man who had grown up in one of El Pasos better neighborhoods. He didnt appear particularly disturbed. It was Stricklin who was on trial, not Chagra. Vivian died of cancer in July 1986. Drugs are currently in fashion, but over the years whiskey, cigarettes, perfume, Swiss watches, silver, kitchenware, and of course, laborers have been staples in the trade. Marble floors. Though the prosecution recognized there was hardly any chance that Rick would turn on his family, James Kerr did everything in his power to put him away for 40 years. Donna made fresh coffee and explained the new telephone system to Lee. WebCatherine Chagra, the oldest daughter of Jamiel "Jimmy" Chagra -- a convicted dope dealer accused but never convicted of masterminding the assassination of a federal judge in San He was a fanatic about his family: he lavished gifts on his wife, his children, his mother, his sister. But Kerr wasnt satisfied. [21] Facing life for smuggling, Jimmy Chagra allegedly decided to have the judge killed. Technically and legally, the unsworn interview shouldnt even have been a part of the grand jury report. In Judge John Woods courtroom Kerr found the perfect forum for his crusade. Id grown up in El Paso, Stricklin recalled. He decided on James Kerr, one of the assistant U.S. attorneys he had inherited from the Republican regime. The next year he paid taxes on $450,000, including $125,000 declared as gambling winnings. Yoseph let himself in the front entrance with the key that Lee had given him that morning. The shock of Lees death didnt really hit Jimmy until he faced the prospect of walking into Judge Woods courtroom without Lee. El Pasos legions of smugglersdrug smugglers in particularmanage to get themselves arrested often enough to keep law practices like Lee Chagras busy and profitable. Clark Hughes had found a cartoon of a mouse shooting a finger at an eagleit was called The Last Great Act of Defianceand Lees secretary, Sandy Messer, was having it made into a wall plaque. But as usual, Jimmys success only threw Lee into a funk. In a secret interview with a group of DEA agents and prosecutors, Johnson had implicated at least sixty El Paso citizens as major drug traffickers. He had seven children, including a daughter named Catherine, who wrote a memoir about the family. Jimmy Chagra died of cancer on July 25, 2008. He was living in a trailer camp in Mesa, Arizona. By mid-November the feds had just about made their case against Jimmy Chagra, and rumors of his imminent indictment were rampant. The Most Reverend Sidney Metzger, bishop emeritus of El Paso, came out of retirement to say mass. His eyes were open, but he was obviously dying. And even if it was true, for Wood to reveal it in open court was outrageous. They could have been twins. A few years ago, the director of El Paso customs acknowledged: If we stopped all smuggling activity right now, the economies of two cities would fall flat on their faces., Millions of dollars worth of goods are smuggled daily across the three main bridges connecting Jurez and El Paso. It was a shocking verdict after the FBI conducted its most extensive investigation since the Kennedy assassination. The tragedy was that it was all unnecessary: before the Fifth Circuit had a chance to rule on the question of jeopardy, Jamie Boyd decided to drop the continuing criminal enterprise charges against Jack Stricklin. It wasnt just in hard-drug cases; Wood appeared to make no distinctions. He talked about death a lot. With Redd Fox. Here she is with Paul Anka. The chiveras are paid $45 to $65, depending on the size and value of the haul; out of that money they are expected to bribe the various Mexican customs officials, who survive on bribes. The real show was on the casino floor in special sections roped off for the Chagras. Part of the reason was his honest conviction that even the lowest, meanest, rottenest scum on the face of the earth deserved, and in fact were guaranteed, a right to a fair trial. He would try to join the family by half-time. shaggy shag,' and he would gamble up to a million dollars," said The charges against all the defendants were eventually dropped, but not for two years. After a while Clark said, You must have dropped close to half a million back there. Jimmy was indicted on a number of drug charges by a grand jury in Midland, a legal maneuver that many lawyers believe was blatant forum shopping: by indicting in Midland rather than El Paso, the prosecution could be sure that the case would be assigned to Judge Woods court. He began taping most of his telephone conversations and collecting every scrap of evidence that even hinted of government malfeasance. And yet federal agents still had no proof: for all the loose talk, there was not a shred of hard evidence that Lee had committed any crime. And yet by the end of the trial, a majority of the jurors refused to find the defendants guilty. Goodman had represented Chagra in a previous drug case, which was undone by his client testifying. Now they eat three meals a day and imported cheese. Before Yoseph could think of an answer, Lee asked another question: What would you do if you came in and found Id been murdered?, This preoccupation wasnt totally without foundation. In his eleven years on the El Paso political scene, Boyd had been elected to public office only one time, to fill out the unexpired term of district attorney in 1970, and yet no politician in town had a better feel for the bureaucracy or for subtle shifts in power and opinion. Catherine Chagra Patrick Beach View Comments 0:00 0:56 Last December, we brought you the story of Catherine Chagra, daughter of Jamiel Jimmy Chagra, the Hunter Thompson once described how a casino shot a three-hundred pound bear out of a cannon right in the middle of the floor and no one looked up. Push a button and curtains would reveal a huge projector TV. When Lee hit a losing streak, he could fly into a snit, blaming anyone handy, especially Jo Annie, who more than once hurried off the casino floor in tears. They mentioned four namesLee Chagra, Jimmy Chagra, Sib Abraham and Vic Apodaca (a well-known bail bondsman). In prison, Jimmy would say he got hooked on gambling faster than heroin.. But Lee trusted him. An electronic current unbolted the door. When Lee pinned them down on the exact location from which they had watched the scene, several jurors snickered: not only was the position almost a mile from the field but a massive hill blocked the view. He was also used in FBI: The Untold Stories. That was when Jo Annie remembered the telephone call. In the summer of 1977, sensing the heat but also attracted by the opportunities being suggested by his new partner, a wily, borderwise ex-con named Henry Wallace, Jimmy told Lee he was moving his base of operations to Florida. The story surrounding the assassination of Judge Wood was profiled in an episode of City Confidential. On the morning of the day Lee was murdered, his bookkeeper, Donna Johnson, arrived at the office about ten oclock. Instead of flying in the customary small planeload of 2000 pounds from Mexico, they imported 54,000 pounds from Colombia. Please feel free to use any other table in the casino. Like so many sheep, the nickel-and-dime players started backing away. The investigation cost more than $11 million. [16], On December 23, 1978, Lee Chagra was shot and killed in his law office in El Paso. On April 11, 1977, James Kerr made an unpublicized trip to Nashville to review the allegations of the 1973 indictments against Lee Chagra and Jack Stricklin. Jo Annies own family, the Abrahams, had considerable wealth, and she continued to collect antiques and preserve an extravagant lifestyle. 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