To get an outdoor lighting specialist of your very own, call Hiller today. Attach your power source. There may be major brands you can see as Dazzle Bright, OYCBUZO, Kringle Traditions, Wintergreen Lighting, Joomer, HISHINY, Jnaurb, iBaycon, Flacchi, Toodour, LYHOPE, MIQIA, KNONEW, OZS, echosari. All The Christmas Lights Supplies To Get Started HOW TO MAKE MONEY IN THE WINTER TIME! You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. If you want your light wrapped trees to be even brighter or seen from from a distance, net lights can be wrapped multiple times around smaller tree trunks as well. Typical trunk light wraps measure 2' x 6' and 2' x 8' and are just the right size for wrapping small to medium trees that are 2' wide and under. It's easy to think that the design of net lights won't allow for creating anything but a grid pattern across your bushes, however it is actually quite easy to achieve light patterns that appear random. Be sure you have outdoor electrical sockets to plug into when you use outdoor Christmas lights. You may then check and re-install them later, for another 90 days. Celebrate a good, old-fashioned Christmas with these colorful 1940s inspired bubble lights that glitter once theyre warmed up. Popular color combinations include red and white for candy cane themes, blue and white for winter wonderland designs featuring snowflake motifs and red and green to complement classic Christmas lights. Column wraps typically measure either 6" x 12' or 6" x 15' and can be used to quickly and uniformly light both round and square columns. Nothing is more disappointing than wrapping your tree in lights to later discover they dont work. For Lights You Can Control from Your Phone, Reasons to Opt for an Artificial Christmas Tree, How to Hang Tree Lights on an Artificial Tree, How To Hang Christmas Tree Lights Vertically, How to Hang Christmas Tree Lights Outdoors, Tips and Considerations to Safely Hang Tree Lights, How to Store a Christmas Tree Once the Holidays Are Over, The 8 Best Artificial Christmas Trees of 2022 to Deck the Halls This Season, 46 Creative Christmas Tree Themes to Show Off Your Personality, How to Fix Christmas Lights So You Can Use Them for Many Seasons to Come, How to Safely Hang Christmas Lights for a Merry Holiday Display, The 13 Best Christmas Lights for Festive Illumination of 2023, How Long Does a Christmas Tree Last? Cover all plugs and sockets with electrical tape. Cover more tree in sparkle with fewer lights by working the string of lights under and over each branch. STEP 1: Check your Christmas lights and decorate one-third of the tree at a time. For example, if you have several bushes along your driveway, in front of your home and in the center of your yard, covering everything may be overwhelming, yet lighting the perimeter bushes and one larger shrub in the center is often just enough. Because it'll take far longer to install and it will likely never look as balanced as a set of net lights due to the net light pattern and ability to contour well around shapes. The wattages of all the lights you use should be the same. Wiring Cost to Put Up Christmas Lights Powering the lights may need new electrical wiring or outlets. Make a Diagram. Use this to calculate the materials needed using this equation: distance/6 = number of lights needed. This prevents power surges while prolonging the life of the bulbs. A ranch-style or single story home calls for lights around the roof line, the fence and along your entrance walkway. If you have bushes in your yard, make them come aglow by stringing lights throughout them. You dont want wind, birds, small animals, or Santa to knock them off! Depending on how tall your tree trunks are, you may want to wrap your larger trees with string lights instead. After you have put the Christmas lights on the tree, do any final adjustments before adding ornaments and decorations. Wrapping trees with string lights is very popular, especially for creating custom color schemes at Christmas time as well as event lighting, and even to make a spooky electric forest on Halloween. Ornaments and decorations will also hide a lot of the wire, so dont get too caught up trying to hide it. Rectangular bush shapes are also common abutting walls or stairs, which often means only the front side and top side of the hedgerow are visible. From elegant to whimsical to over the top, Christmas lights come in different sizes and colors to suit many preferences. First, measure the height and circumference of the tree before beginning to string lights. 6. Wherever you see dark holes on the tree, rearrange the lights to fill them in. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. By wrapping each branch with lightsinstead of laying the strands on top of the branchesyou can hide the wires and create a richer look. Depending on the home's size and types of lights, you may need more than one outlet installed. When you cant reach the next position, move the ladder. 1. When installing a net light, take the time to pull branches and leaves through the holes in the net to set the lights a bit further back into the bush. Seasonal decor choices such as lit candy canes, mini reindeer or LED outdoor candles can balance the lights on the bushes as well as tie into your overall Christmas yard theme. Nestle the lights far enough into the bush so that they rest comfortably on the branches, yet not so far back that they get lost beneath the foliage. With some patience and a bit of creativity, you'll have a house that outshines all the others. Consider using miniature clear (white) lights for your. Trust us: It's easier than you think to light up a Christmas tree correctly! During the off-season, your landscape lighting will still look beautiful, in addition to increasing home value, security and safety. If you have bushes in your yard, make them come aglow by stringing lights throughout them. Yes, that is fine, as long as the lights and cords have a good insulator, such as plastic, or rubber. Creating a magical glow of lights on an artificial tree isn't difficult, but it demands patience. Each lights string has both male/female plug,allowing you to connect multiple sets of string lights together.You can connect lights on different shrubs or splice them into a larger net.Each string is rated 9.6 watts ,you can connect up to 12 strings lights.With the 16.4ft lead wire and 1.64ft tail wire,you can connect different light strings . wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. This provides a very clean light pattern and is one of the easiest ways to accentuate your foliage shapes whether it be for Christmas, weddings or to create a festive outdoor space any time. Amanda Bell spent six years working as an interior designer and project coordinator before becoming a professional writer in 2010. Work any extra lights back along the branch rather than crossing the section. Decorators at New York City's Rockefeller Center (who would know how to light a tree better?) But elegance is a key factor. To create this article, 48 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Be certain that the light string cords are secure in or on the fastener. Slip the loop over one of the branchlets or greens near the trunk, and wrap the cord a few times around the green to secure it. How to put lights on a Christmas tree: the vertical method. For more dimension, lights can be pushed into deeper branches. That can prove to be quite a task when you're anywhere under 5'7. 1. It should have a hood that protects it from getting wet even while the lights are plugged in. How to Put up Christmas Lights Outside Download Article parts 1 Choose a Suitable Lighting Display 2 Preparing the Lighting and Display Areas 3 Put Up the Lighting Other Sections Questions & Answers Video Tips and Warnings Related Articles References Author Info Last Updated: May 6, 2021 References Approved Wrap the cord around every green as you work back along the branch. Once the section is filled in with Christmas lights, its easy to make adjustments to evenly space them out. Allowing some slack or leader cord in the first strand of lights, separate the cord near the first bulb, so it forms a loop. The structured grid pattern design of net lights is very convenient for decorators who desire clean, uniform lighting. Bend the loose ends of the wire towards the back of the tree to prevent any injuries. Start with the upside down V, fill the branches with lights, and adjust the spacing. Begin stringing the lights at the bottom of the bush. A special stretchable cord is woven into these nets, making them expandable to fit trees from 26" to 52" in diameter. Do one step of the project to its completion before you begin the next phase. Arrange lights or decorations around the bushes so that theyre still festive during the day, and to create a ground-effect when lit up at night. 2. "I found this article very informative on how to create a lighting plan and how to hang my lights safely. As a general rule of thumb, every foot of tree should have approximately 100 mini lights or 50 larger lights, but this number is flexible based on your brightness preferences, so adjust accordingly. This creates a better balance of size and makes it less likely that youll overwhelm the bush. Better Homes & Gardens - 100 years of powering your passions at home. How to Hang Christmas Lights Step-by-Step. These Christmas light ideas for outdoor trees will instantly transform your yard into a winter wonderland. Divide the height of the Christmas tree by the length of how far apart you want the lights to be. As you work, place some lights deeper into the branches and place some closer to the front to create depth. Look for packages of gutter clips in crafts stores and hardware stores near the tree lights and supplies. Step 1: Pick a mild winter day and start hanging Christmas lights mid-morning while there's plenty of daylight left to burn. If you're the tech-savvy type who likes to control everything with an app, you're in luck. To stay informed. RESOURCES FOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTSHOW TO MAKE EXTENSION CORDS We Install Christmas Lights Using The Goat Steep Assist NEEDED TO HANG CHRISTMAS LIGHTS LIGHTS SUPPLIES Any Questions? #ChristmasLightsInstall #ChristmasLightsCommunity #JasonGeiman #ChristmaslightsBusiness You'll use this as a guide when you're hanging your lights. Simple in design, net lights are string lights that have been connected to form a grid, which can easily cover the exterior of bushes or tree trunks in a fast, hassle free installation process. If you aren't sure where to start when wrapping trees with lights, take a look at our step by step tree wrapping guide! Carry the cord over to the next branch, wrap it around a green near the trunk, and pull it out to the tip. Christmas Lights 8.69K subscribers Subscribe 175 46K views 3 years ago So you can either start at the top of a bush and wrap the Christmas lights around each bush or you can start on one. Take care to keep each net light facing the same direction as the one before it when wrapping your bushes and avoid overlap as much as possible to prevent a heavy concentration of lights in some areas. Pass the ball of lights around the tree trunk, leaving space to wrap back down if desired. Remember when putting Christmas Lights on a bush you can never put too many lights on a bush. Ensure you use a systematic approach to achieve success. The heat provided by these lights is not significant enough to damage the plant, and you won't have to worry about any negative effects as long as you stay within a limited range. This works for strands with 6-inch spacing, which we recommend using to achieve a fuller look. This article has been viewed 834,107 times. Most net lights can be connected end to end and with LED net lights you can often connect numerous net lights together, which means you can outfit a large hedgerow utilizing only one plug outlet. Payment is made through If you have any extra lights once you reach the top, you can start winding them back down the tree or adjust the lower lights to ensure the string of lights ends at the top. There are many products on the market made of rubber or heavy duty plastic designed for hanging electrical cords. To follow this tree lighting technique, divide the tree vertically into three sections (think trunk to tip) and string the lights by section. Create a ball of lights to make wrapping easier, connect the male plug to a power source at the base of the tree. Learn more Time to deck the halls, walls, mantles, and trees, and best of all, hang up the Christmas lights! And with a few helpful tips, you can install foliage lighting like a pro. How To Install Christmas Lights On Large Bush So this video i show you how to put lights on a large bush 4-5 feet tall and round. !\r\rOur LIMITED EDITION Challenge Coins/Poker Chips can be purchased for $10, t-shirts for $20, Metal Koozie can cooler for $25, and trucker hats for $29 by contacting us at Whether you wish to highlight your Christmas decor, or simply frame your landscaping, ground lights are a simple yet attractive addition to your yard. This article has been viewed 834,107 times. Easy to Install - Place or hang the net lights on trees, bushes, grass or any other occasions, easy to use as bright and beautiful decorations. Keep it neat. Haphazard, messy Christmas light displays are the direct result of opening a box of lights and tossing them up without thought. The beauty of net lights is the hassle free installation process. All you need to do is wrap a few loops of miniature Christmas lights around the plants, and that should be enough to provide gentle heat to the plants. Depending on the bush size, net lights are ideal because of how well they drape. 5 Tips for Keeping a Real Tree Alive, Real vs. Icicle lights tend to get lost in bushes and work best as an option for the eaves of your home. Repeat this procedure for the remaining triangles. Once the lights and wires are hidden inside your bushes, turn your lights on and make adjustments as necessary if you notice any dark spots. The REAL SIMPLE team strives to make life easier for you. Level up your tech skills and stay ahead of the curve. Create a subtle look with strings of mini white lights or use strings of large, multicolored lights for a more vibrant display. When working with string lights, lay them in an S or zigzag motion, working from the top down, for a full, nonlinear look. When you're learning how to put lights on a tree, you figure out pretty quickly that hanging Christmas tree lights is easy. Not only will this tell you if the lights are working, but it will also give you an idea of how the bushes will look while you are wrapping them. Many artificial Christmas trees come in sections that open like an umbrella. When you wrap the top section of the Christmas tree, don't wrap the lights around as many branches so the tree will look evenly lit from top to bottom. Continue repositioning the lights as you work your way up the tree. Avoid large globe and bulb lights unless youre decorating a very large bush. For smaller shrubs, zip cord and inline female vampire plugs can create a clean lighting solution. These easy-to-follow tips will show you how to put lights on your Christmas tree, whether a real tree (here's how to pick the best one) or an artificial tree. Use coupon code FiveOffSpecial to receive $5 off of your order! Running an extension cord through a hole or a window or door is a fire hazard and a code violation in most places. No matter which direction youre hanging lights, you need to prepare the tree first. If your lights aren't hanging exactly where you want them, Walter suggests wrapping a little floral wire around the cord and branch to hold it in place. Step 5 Extend the other two corners so the web lights are not hanging loosely, and attach the corner loops around branches at the two other corners of the bush. Lights always look better if theyre evenly spaced; its easier to make adjustments as you place the Christmas lights, rather than after. And all it takes is three simple steps. Don't Take Down Your Christmas Tree Until January 6Here's Why, How to Decorate a Christmas Tree in 3 Easy Steps, 4. We like to string larger lights on first using the weaving technique, then layer in the smaller LED lights closer to the trunk using the branch-wrapping technique. They are experts in their fields who research, test and clearly explain the best recipes, strategies, trends and products. If you will be plugging multiple sets into each other it is best to check the specifications on the net lights you are interested in and plan accordingly. Using the yardstick or measuring tape and your Sharpie, make a mark about every three inches up the length of the trunk. 3. So for a six-foot tree, you'll need about 600 lights. While some people find the piney, wintry scent of the branches puts them in the holiday spirit, others find that real evergreens can create a mess. Wrapping It Up. Step 6 You'll want to wrap the lights as tightly as possible without harming the branches.Connect the strands of lights in a pattern, running them up and down the branches. If your lights aren't hanging exactly where you want them, Walter suggests wrapping a little floral wire around the cord and branch to hold it in place. THREE WAYS TO INSTALL LIGHTS ON AN OUTDOOR TREE - YouTube 0:00 / 2:39 Intro THREE WAYS TO INSTALL LIGHTS ON AN OUTDOOR TREE Festive Lights 6.22K subscribers Subscribe 592 225K views 3. You can create uniform light patterns quickly, or make your lighting look random with just a few adjustments. Then, add new displays each year. Compare products Related reviews. Outdoor christmas decorating with net lights doesn't have to stop at your bushes and shrubs. "The trick is to go up and down, not around and around," says David Stark, co-owner of Avi Adler, a Brooklyn floral and event design company. "The lights are literally wrapped around the branch as . This will prevent the ends from slipping out of the slit and unraveling your lights during storage. String Lights for Wrapping Bushes. Kick off your search by checking out the three main types of Christmas tree lights for indoor use. An article attributed to "Real Simple Editors" indicates a collaborative effort from our in-house team. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Alternate green and orange net lights to delight trick or treaters as they approach. RELATED: How To: Store Holiday Lights, Decorations, and Accessories. You might be using too much energy to charge the lights. Is it safe to string outdoor lights on aluminum porch railing? Net lights have end-to-end connectors, plug them into one another as you go to avoid searching for the ends later and having to use multiple extension cords! When you're looking to add a bit of seasonal cheer to your house or the trees and shrubs in your front yard, follow these guidelines for lighting outdoor areas. While 100 mini lights or 50 larger lights per foot of tree is the unofficial standard, add as many lights as you like, providing its supported by the plug (this will be outlined on the manufacturers instructions). How to put up christmas lights without clips? Scroll through to learn about the different types of net lights and how to use them, or click on the specific topic you're hoping to learn more about to be taken to the section you need! Purchase S-shaped gutter hooks at the home improvement store, and hang them up by pressing the top part of the S Before you start installing your outdoor Christmas lights ideas to your house, make sure you have a clear plan, including what lights you want, how many you want, and where you want them, as says Bailey Carson, Home Care Expert at Angi. From subdued and simple to merry and bright, these Christmas tree lighting tips will make sure your tree glows. Don't worry about hiding the electrical cordsjust keep them organized neatly, and no one will notice them. Tuck the end of the lights into the same slit at the top of the can. Christmas Decorations and Gift Store: Christmas Tree Decorating with Lights. Its simple to put lights on a Christmas tree properly; all you need is a guide (or a little Christmas magic!). Plug in the first string of lights, and nestle the last bulb on the string at the top of the tree next to the trunk. To create a glow from within your bushes and shrubs, simply tuck string lights inside the greenery instead of laying them on the outside. Overlap multiple net lights across your bushes in different directions and lay a few strands of string lights over top of the nets as well. So you can either start at the top of a bush and wrap the Christmas lights around each bush or you can start on one side and wrap them over the top. RELATED: Everything but the Tree: Our 12 Favorite Wreaths, Garlands, and Other Christmas Greenery. To stay informed. RESOURCES FOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTSHOW TO MAKE EXTENSION CORDS We Install Christmas Lights Using The Goat Steep Assist NEEDED TO HANG CHRISTMAS LIGHTS LIGHTS SUPPLIES Any Questions? #ChristmasLightsInstall #ChristmasLightsCommunity #JasonGeiman #ChristmaslightsBusiness how many lights you need for your Christmas tree. % of people told us that this article helped them. Starting from the base, string the lights in an upside-down V shape (or triangle) to section off the first area you want to fill with lights. Bell studied English composition and literature at the University of Boston and the University of Maryland. Mark your tree. Follow the same procedure for subdued lighting, but add dimension to your tree's sparkle by looping the strings a couple of times around on each branch, getting some of the lights closer to the trunk. LED lights are more bright and energy efficient than older style Christmas lights. Keep the safety of your own children and your visitors and guests in mind. Thank you for signing up! Artificial trees need to be fluffed up before placing Christmas tree lights. If you're a Christmas lights novice, light just two or three items, such as trees or bushes, to serve as focal points. 1. John Granen. The first decision to make is what style you want and whether you need to buy indoor or outdoor lights. Take the opposite corner of the Christmas net lights and extend it to the opposite corner of the bush, looping the end around a limb on that corner of the bush. Directions: Set up your ladder. Using unique shapes, unexpected colors, and a bit of extra pizzazz, novelty Christmas lights are just as interesting as the ornaments that hang next to them. Before the smart folks at the North Pole invented net lights, the only method for achieving this type of lighting on bushes, shrubs and trees was by wrapping multiple light strings around them. If you have a branch that's drooping or unattractive, simply remove it by clipping it from behind with a pair of florist shears. Enjoy! (It's the method we show in the video!) Also, with the lights plugged in, you already know that the cord reaches the power outlet, eliminating the need to re-wrap the tree or use an extension cord. Follow this pattern around the tree, working from the bottom to the top. If you work alone, use a basket or bucket with a handle to haul your materials up and down. Our Recommendation: Hayata 7 Count Color Christmas Bubble Lights Get them on Amazon for $20.99. Expert advice from Bob Vila, the most trusted name in home improvement, home remodeling, home repair, and DIY. For a classic but bright look, we like to use LED lights like these warm, clear LED mini Christmas lights ($17, Target). Make adjustments as necessary. There are several methods you can use. Wrapping Larger Tree Trunks with Net Lights. To create a glow from within your bushes and shrubs, simply tuck string lights inside the greenery instead of laying them on the outside. First place the extension cord halfway up your tree trunk. Many experts are recommending switching to LED (Light Emitting Diode) Christmas lights rather than using traditional incandescent lights. If youre not in the habit of coiling and putting your Christmas tree lights away properly every year, step one of putting Christmas lights on a tree is untangling them and keeping them in an easy to unravel coil for decorating. Start by laying the net lights side by side on the ground in front of your bushes in the direction that you plan to place them. For a Victorian style house, there may well be no such thing as over the top". Due to their long and narrow design, column wraps are also referred to as ribbon wraps. Thus, net lights were born! For thicker bushes, start with one set of lights further back and another in front of the first set for complete illumination. Blinking or chasing lights are other options to consider. Everyone has a different aesthetic when decorating for the holidays. That glitter once theyre warmed up trunk, leaving space to wrap back down if desired this a! 'Ll need about 600 lights then check and re-install them later, for another 90.! The most trusted name in home improvement, home repair, and Other Christmas Greenery decorations and Store... Christmas bubble lights get them on Amazon for $ 20.99 window or door is how to put christmas lights on bushes wiki, to... Column wraps are also referred to as ribbon wraps more bright and energy efficient than older style lights! 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