I would not take them for love or money. Amlodipine is a very cheap alternative thats why a lot of GPs are using it. The study is created by eHealthMe from 87 Furosemide users and is updated continuously. Good luck. Notes on Stopping AMLODIPINE experience explained . Suddenly stopping this medication may lead to a variety of withdrawal symptoms. I have also got what looks like hives and my skin is itching like mad! Dryness of the skin and mouth and increased sweating may also occur. The cardiac muscle with poor oxygen supply starts to suffer and triggers chest pain. Thank. Regularly engaging in foot exercises can go a long way in reducing the swelling that comes with amlodipine. not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in I have periodically tried other BP tablets, but not as effective as amlodipine so I've stuck with it despite the side effects. Amlodipine mainly works in the blood vessels. Need a Consultation? This side effect occurs because the blood vessels in the tongue and throat constrict, reducing blood flow to these tissues. If it is, then I would go the holistic route and take a systemic proteolytic enzyme called serrapeptase to reduce cholesterol build up which can be a cause for high diastolic pressure and possibly reduce the scarring in the kidneys which is known to happen with FSGS. understand that may opt out of bensnaturalhealth I dont want to this drug to exacerbate any heart issues. Wouldnt go off cold turkey, so was put on 2.5 amlodipine. Find out how amlodipine treats high blood pressure and helps to prevent heart disease, and how to take it. Was put on Valsartan 160, Hydrocloriazide and amlopidin 5mg. This modulates the concentrations in your organism. )One of my biggest regrets in life is . Calcium channel blockers such as amlodipine are used to treat high blood pressure. As can be seen on many Internet message boards, given the fact amlodipine is such a highly prescribed medication, there will always be people that have, or are concerned they have a side effect. I am pleased I have read these comments. I meant the side effects and not the cutting off Amlodipine.. Angina can be treated with nitroglycerin. Withdrawing antihypertensives on the basis of orthostatic hypotension. In a 2007 case study, a 6-year-old girl experienced facial swelling due to taking amlodipine, as reported by the US National Library of Medicine. The thought is it could be occipital neuralgia, and I will be seeing a neurologist along with my general practitioner within the next week to begin trying to nail down the exact reason; however, in the meantime, I am wondering how prevalent it is for people to have a numbness reaction to taking this medication. Do note that all drugs are not equally effective in treating hypertension. When they are frequent or intense, doctors may recommend coming off amlodipine and using another blood pressure medication. Thanks doc,My ankles and legs swelling are the result of my 80/5 twynsta medication. Thx. As high blood pressure increases, the long-term consequences of hypertension (kidney problems, visual problems) become more prevalent. There are not always symptoms of rebound hypertension. Some you might be very interested in knowing how this swelling actually forms. Whats your experience with Amlodipine? Regular exercise can lower your blood pressure. Angina symptoms come back, and there is a high risk of chest pain symptoms. I have muscle spasms and twitching on my left side. The downside to this drug is the possibility of facing uncomfortable side effects such as swelling, headaches, dizziness, and more. The best way to reduce the risk of amlodipine withdrawal symptoms is to wean off the medication slowly under the direct supervision of a medical professional. And you are experiencing a swollen ankle or feet after taking the drug. It often happens in the lower extremities. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. I am 42 and have high blood pressure. Flushing is slightly less common. Swelling is the most common of amlodipine side effects, usually manifesting as swelling of the feet and ankles. The stockings feel very uncomfortable in the beginning however once you get used to them.. they begin to feel AMAZING compared to the pain and discomfort from just the swelling alone!! By clicking subscribe, I agree to Bensnaturalhealth Please Check Your Email for Further It does tend to reduce at night anyway and is only really bad if I'm on my feet for a long time. Stopped amlodipine 3 weeks ago. If that's the case, changing meds might help. Goggle wont let me post so dont count on information they only tell what you to know. At the low doses such as 2.5mg, less than 1% of people report flushing, however at higher doses up to 3% of people report flushing, and this is more common in women. i was feeling great with 5 mg and my home monitor showed that my blood pressure was still up so i was had it increased to 10 mg and thats when i got a rash on my face (not itchy) x 4 days now and yesterday my feet and ankles started swelling. If you see you are currently experiencing any of these along with the swelling, you can be sure the swelling is from Amlodipine itself. Amlodipine induced swelling is very common and generally goes away by itself within one or two weeks at most. Keeping legs elevated during the day and decreasing amount of salt ingested may help mitigate its side effect. Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. Irregular heartbeat. Thanks very much. Vicky. If swelling is your problem, you can take precautionary measures to reduce possible swelling, as listed below. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? Terms of Use. Have reduced my Amlodipine back to 5mgs from 10 mgs a week ago ( with doctors consent) but still have red itch patches on feet. It is not an as needed medication. However concerned about suddenly stopping them after 6 months Anyone had experience of this? What Happens When You Stop Taking Amlodipine? My daughter (12 years) has been taking this medicine for several years and has identical spots on her legs. How long does it take for swelling to go down after stopping amlodipine? Further, high blood pressure can result in a heart attack, vision loss, heart failure, kidney failure, sexual dysfunction, stroke, and possible other long term affects. Will do as you advise and get myself motivated and away from checking myself constantly. Im 55. Once again thanks for valuable info. Last year my systolic B/P went up, and my doctor gave me Norvasc to try to lower it. He said just like the sun was catalyst for a reaction, my sweat and heat from working out can be the same. Taking too much Tenormin can cause symptoms of sleepiness, shortness of breath, wheezing, and bradycardia. I have been experiencing numbness in my face, scalp, lower abdomen, near my lips and in my face for about a week, now. I warn people of this drug because theres too many stories like mine and they are growing. If you experience some other side effects along with the swelling. Etc etc . and once the symptoms cross that threshold .. you start to be very miserable and anxious .. so .. it may be that those who like me suffer after 6 mths actually have the issues but below the misery threshold.. and start to become bad to worse after 6 mths ..? Except the swelling one, of course. Instruction. Serious gastrointestinal complications such as. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is my simple interpretation from the informative inputs and I wonder if there is a general concurence ? This medication is also taken to keep heart attacks, strokes, and kidney diseases at bay. Like almost every drug out there, Amlodipine has adverse effects that may vary from person to person. I run every morning, eat healthy Sunday-Friday, and had high blood pressure for a long time before seeking help. If they think that will not be enough, they will switch to another drug that does not cause such severe swelling like cilnidipine. Swelling. The amlodipine caused swelling of my feet and ankles as well as moderate numbness of the soles and toes. Started on 5mg had itching all over, flushing, feeling weak. If your leg area is affected, you can use a footstool to keep your legs raised. Recap For most adults, the recommended dose of Norvasc is 5 mg once daily, increasing to a maximum dose is 10 mg once daily if needed. Withdrawal syndrome following cessation of antihypertensive drug therapy. Then, your swelling would likely subside within a few days of staying away from the drug. Ive also had a PE in my lung from surgery complications and infections. Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them. Hope u feel better reading this For the pain, mine disappeared gradually over the course of 3 or 4 months though it started to subside in about a week. Up to a quarter of patients may eventually develop this complication. Could this severe cramping be related to the amlodipine (10 mg. once daily) ? I took this medicine. For instance: This herb belongs to the same family as mint, sage, and thyme, and it contains several compounds that may reduce blood pressure. This is why it is encouraged to move your swollen ankle or feet as gently as possible for some period of time. What are the side effects of stopping amlodipine? Metoprolol is considered to be fairly well tolerated but it is associated with certain side effects such as leg swelling (due to an accumulation of fluid). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2530883/, Choulerton, J., Mudd, P., & Mac Mahon, M. (2010). It's been a year and a half and I feel great. Haven't taken the bb yet as heart now down to 64 which is too slow for me. My doctor lowered it to 5 but i think one of 2 things has to happen either it has to be lowered some more or its got to go . There are plenty of alternatives, such as beta-blockers (labetalol, atenolol), angiotensin receptor blockers (valsartan, losartan), and ACE inhibitors (enalapril). respect of any healthcare matters. Never had the first pain in my legs and knees until i took the medswhat can i do? I didnt take it for 24 hrs and by 36 hrs my ses had disappeared. You're All Set! After removing pressure, it comes back to its original swelled up form. Then put on amlodipine/benazepril 10/40. What are the side effects of taking amlodipine? Given the large amount of people we have been able to help here, we are starting a twitter to help keep heart patients up to date with advances and relevant information. Id like some feedback from our nice Dr. on this please. The swelling went away, but some of the numbness remains 9 months after stopping amlodipine. Will drinking more water help with edema? It sure isn't helping. The decision as to whether to stop the medication due to these amlodipine side effects should be determined with the prescribing doctor on a case-by-case basis. Swelling, being the most common symptom, mostly occurs in the legs, ankles, and feet. This can also happen sometimes. https://patient.info/forums/discuss/stopping-amlodipine-experience-explained--610280. I just want to make sure my blood pressure is under control with something natural so I'm using a good coq10 and Magnesium that's highly absorbed and will try Hawthorne soon too. Goes away when I elevate my legs. Its worth a check up and some testing to answer the above. We know that amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker, right? You might have already read horror stories on its side effects online. Severe side effects of Amlodipine are very rare and uncommon. Again ok. My GP has decided I should stop amlodopine immediately. You should drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. . However, we shouldnt underestimate the risks and monitor blood pressure in these patients as we do with anyone else. All test came back neg. This phenomenon ultimately dilates the arteries. caused by Amlodipine from 2006 and 2007. Latest news in the world of drugs, supplements & trending health. Amlodipine besylate causes vasodilation, or dilation of the blood vessels. Even walking each day can help. Is this a side effect and is there something else to lower blood pressure? Home General Health Post What Happens When You Stop Taking Amlodipine? If one side is swollen, a work up to rule out other causes should be performed also. I know it is september but I am going through what you experienced and probably will have to call doctor Monday but interested in what you did. Can taking amlodipine 5mg and losartan 50mg cause swelling of ankles and feet, weight gain and hair? How long after stopping amlodipine do side effects stop? They are primarily due to a return to the baseline disease. 3. Can You Use Neosporin for Anal Fissure: Is It Effective? This symptom usually disappears after one week on amlodipine. So let us move on to how long it takes for the swelling to go away if you are experiencing Amlodipine side effects. The commercial names include Amlodipine and Norvasc. Am lost as to what to do. However .. Some days my ankles are swollen. Is it due to the med? 2022 BENSNATURALHEALTH.COM. Disclaimer:this article does not constitute or replace medical advice. Do blood pressure meds lose their effectiveness if taken for a long time? Doctors most often prescribe amlodipine for the capability of efficiently reducing high blood pressure. The most likely reason to be started on amlodipine is for blood pressure control. I was on one for years, couldn't get my nurse practitioner to refill until I come in and was also taking Inderal. My whole body including my stomach burns me. Propranolol Withdrawal - What Are The Symptoms & How Long Do They Last? If you are thinking how long it takes for the swelling to go down after stopping amlodipine, I hope this article could answer all your queries. Terrible drug. As a calcium channel blocker, the side effects of amlodipine have the longest life at 30 to 50 hours, according to the US National Library of Medicine. It is very important that your doctor check your or your child's progress at regular visits to make sure this medicine is working properly. Wear compression stockings or wraps around the swollen area. I stopped 2 days ago and what a difference.. If you press a finger on your swollen ankle, you will see a pit-like shape has formed around your finger. Cut down to 2.5 still have fatigue and tingling and low diastolic. This sums up to 15.6% of patients. My doctor said she cant Change the medicine be cause I. In this sense, this medication is commonly used to decrease blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Sometimes, lifestyle modifications are enough to bring your levels back to normal. You have difficulty walking, sitting or even standing sometimes. One of my biggest regrets in life is not getting myself stockings sooner than I did (years!!! He enjoys talking to patients and sharing medical information while moving the probe to look for a clear shot of anatomical structures. This long-lasting effect can be beneficial because you can limit yourself to a single daily dose. After slowly coming off AMLODIPINE I had found my joints had started to become stronger and felt a lot better too. And as a result, edema forms. Very low diastolic, heart palpitations. However, these are temporary and usually resolve on their own. Ive also been a huge subscriber to high dose vitamin D and Fish Oil in the past, with the evidence that High does Vitamin D (5000 IU every 2-3 days) lowered blood sugar (Im not diabetic) and that EPA and DHA in Fish Oil lowered cholesterol.. Not feeling too good, bad headache etc. Please DO NOT STOP MEDICATIONS without first consulting a physician since doing so could be hazardous . Ive been doing things (largely) naturally to strengthen myself health-wise and probably will get away from most meds for good. I was on amlodipine 10 mg for about a year, as well as valsartan/hctz 320/25 for much longer. My blood pressure has rocketed from last week, it being 124/74 to today it was 172/81. I feel that the bp med is the culprit. Am off 55 days now and just today .. These are questions that people ask when their doctor prescribes this drug. Because almost everyone on amlodipine has complained of this problem. Lavender can be particularly effective if you have anxiety, panic attacks, and similar problems. Thank you. The vast majority of the swelling goes down and resolves in the first 2-3 months. I have been off Amlodipine for 5 days, and the swelling in my feet, ankles and lower legs has gone. And if you feel it is a medical emergency, call 911 or your own local emergency number for help. Fortunately amlodipine side effects are not common. This difference between arterial and venous dilatation causes increased capillary hydrostatic pressure and decreased osmotic pressure. 57 users are following. The swelling won't go down with diuret As for yourself, since I use to be a Carer ask your Dr to change your Medication, and ask if you could have your ears checked. If you are already prescribed Amlodipine, then you probably have some heart conditions. My doctor started me on 5 mg. Im not a fan of taking medications, but have tried reducing on my own with no long term success. My blood pressure was 180/115 one day I went to the Dr. The answer, in this case, is pretty straightforward, but if youre unsure about your options, you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist. Effects of amlodipine on renal hemodynamics. But while this may seem like the best way to rest your injury, it isn't. In fact, studies have shown that staying active as soon as possible after breaking any kind of bone increases mobility . I carried on as normal doing everyday stuff but felt ill. My heart rate was now fluctuating up high and then very low. What to expect from Amlodipine-induced swelling? I had the swelling with amlodipine and demanded my GP take me off them and now on ramapril and I have never looked back. Eventually they rupture and I have to bandage my legs (often changing the bandages 2-6 times daily!) How Long For Swelling To Go Down After Stopping Amlodipine Cvs Benazepril Bid Dosing Hot Tubs Lower Blood Pressure Lower Blood Pressure Fast Test Cdl With Blood Pressure Medication How Long For Swelling To Go Down After Stopping Amlodipine. My pulse was now 53, it's never been that. So dont get very overwhelmed once you face this side effect. I've no idea how/if alcohol will/could/does contribute to this so no comment there. In my case I was under close supervision of a Cardioligist that had me wean down every three days which was too fast so I lowered each dose every 7 days which was still fast for that drug not even cutting pills. I take 5mg Norvasc with 100 mg of a beta blocker (Lopressor) and Isosorbide (Nitrate) and Tricor every morning without any problems. How can you assess your condition when to go see your doctor? Dicyclomine vs Hyoscyamine: Which of Them Is Better? .. amoung other awful side effects. Am not even going to check it anytime today, I've done. Ive always been passionate about biology and healthcare topics. Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek Ive been taking Amlodipine 10mg for about 3 months & I have lower leg & ankle swelling & S.O.B.anxiety .But, I tried HCTZ 12.5mg for about 2 yrs & it made me drop yo much weight too fast & depleted my potassium & caused neuropathy, numbness l tingling in my feet.. within the DHP group, it is thought that those which are more lipophilic, thus stay . Still looking for answers? INFORMATION IS POWER I HAVE ALWAYS SAID THAT> KEEP SHARING PEOPLE. If it affects your quality of life, discuss a change with the dr. The swelling you see is basically the exudate (main component is water) coming out from inside the cell to the space between two cells. I did halves for one month steps. At the time I didnt know amlodopine could do thus but it made my feet so itchy I thought I had fleas. Some people also discontinue amlodipine because they believe their blood pressure levels are normal. Normally the swelling persists as long as you are on Amlodipine. Lamotrigine Withdrawal - What Are the Symptoms & How Long Do They Last? Should I be concerned? Will I ever get the feeling back in my toes and forward portion of my soles? Perhaps you are right in saying this will be the order of things until it completely leaves my system. Compression socks generally wont help. Have some heart conditions might help can cause symptoms of sleepiness, shortness breath. Do not stop MEDICATIONS without first consulting a physician since doing so could be hazardous of time on. Was catalyst for a long way in reducing the swelling in my feet so itchy I I. It affects your quality of life, discuss a Change with the Dr shortness of breath, wheezing, more. 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